Used Car Sales Manager

Cars in line 19
Knowledge is power, and the more information a Sales Manager has about inventory and Fixed Operations, the more powerful they become. Repair360 provides visibility to all stakeholders, including Sales, to know the status of every vehicle at a glance. Since Sales and Fixed Ops are working from the same platform, misunderstandings and missed opportunities are drastically reduced. That can be a game-changer in setting customer expectations and closing more sales.

Reliable information about cars going through the recon process makes your sales organization more successful. Too often, tension between Sales and Fixed Ops causes the customer – and your sales volume – to suffer. Repair360 lets you see where each car is in the process, which are waiting on parts or vendors, and gives you access to prioritize vehicles when customers are waiting. Knowing when a car will be frontline-ready can give your BDC the ability to sell cars in anticipation of their arrival, shortening vehicle turn time.

Recon Inspection

The Daily Runaround

Managing Fixed Operations means looking after one of the biggest profit-makers in the auto remarketing supply chain. You and your operation add tangible value to…

Businessman walking away from money

Walking Away from Profit

If you’re shying away from vehicles that need some reconditioning because of the cost, then you need to take a hard look at your recon process.

Buy Here Pay Here dealership

BHPH Just Got Better

Buy-here-pay-here dealerships can struggle keeping all aspects of the business aligned. From sourcing and prepping vehicles for resale or wholesale, to warranty and service integrations,…